'vlog | cooking jaffna spicy chicken curry| shopping | Sri Lankan food| pixcel 4a | jaffna curry hello guys today I will share with you how to make jaffna chicken curry .Sri Lankan food tamil spicy curry powder jaffna ingredients chicken jaffna curry powder shallots tomato green chili cardamom clove cinnamon curry leaves jaffna curry powder turmeric powder #jaffnachicken #srilankanfood #tamilvlog #chivkenkulampu #pixcel4acamera #vlog #shoping #ammasamayal #tamilfood #yalsamayal #yalpanamfood #tamilspicyfood #spicychicken #koolikulampu #tamilfoodvlog #foodvlog #cookingvlog #tamilcoookingvlog Watch my all video click here My day foods https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXnDgof9wgCWWHEcFoKC-rohYISxYCJMI Hello every one welcome to my day foods channel This channel I will share with you what I am eating and how to make that foods Please watch it’s useful for you to make home made foods . And if you like my videos please subscribe my channel and share my videos really helpful for me There is lot difference way to cook but me always choice easy way and less ingredients to make foods watch my videos if you like don’t forget to subscribe and share please My cooking always simple way if you watch my full videos you will understand how to cook ... then you can make food simply Thanks you'
Tags: vlog , shopping vlog , easy chicken recipe , tamil food vlog , Tamil cooking vlog , Chicken spicy , Jaffna chicken kulampu , Tamil curry powder , Yal samayal , Yalpanam saappadu , Jaffna chicken curry , Jaffna style cooking , Sri Lankan north village food , Tamil chicken spicy , Jaffna village food , Lunch food cooking , Kooli kulampu , Yalpana kooli kulampu , Jaffna recipe , Sri Lanka food recipe , jaffna curry powder , கோழி கறி , nattu koli kulambu in tamil , jaffna style nattu koli kulambu
See also: